Is the hate towards Hunter Dickinson absurd?

December 5, 2022
Do you think fans and spectators of games take certain things out of context and to the next level? I know that being on the national stage it’s easy for people to talk down on a player but in some instances outsiders on the internet could calm down a little bit. Hunter Dickinson is facing a lot of adversity right now with talks about him being a dirty player. As the go-to man for the Michigan basketball team, late in Tuesday’s night game against the University of Virginia he was seen trying to gain full control of the ball and swinging his arms through controllably. The defender got hit with an elbow in the jaw but you can tell it wasn’t intentional. After the loss against the cavaliers there was only talks about him being a so-called “dirty player,” But why is that when he finished with the game high of 23 points. In a game where some contact is allowed accidents are bound to happen so how does one play that doesn’t look intentional make someone a dirty player? It’s comments like this on Twitter, “I didn’t know the name Hunter Dickinson until tonight. Dirtiest player in college basketball. Real Grayson Allen type.” How could one person say this about someone based off of other tweets and one little clip that looks like a complete accident. As we know, being in the Dematha community we are exposed to adversity, so we know Hunter will be ok. But when will people stop judging others off of how social media portrays things?
Rusty Richardson • Dec 22, 2022 at 8:58 am
Because it’s not one incident. He plays like that every game. He poses, flexes, and/or screams after every good play, wears a scowl on his face for most of the game, and fouls people hard and often in the head/neck area and pretends he didn’t mean it.
If you don’t want to be viewed as a dirty, unsportsmanlike player, don’t play dirty and be unsportsmanlike.