Recently quarter one has ended for all Prince Georges County High schools. DeMatha Catholic quarter one for the 2023 school year started on August 31th and ended on October 26th.
How did students feel about first quarter? What was there GPA? What did you like and what didn’t you? How can you improve in the future? These are questions we at The Stagline wanted to have answered by our classmates, teachers, and friends.
Joshua Virgil, a sophomore on the varsity football team, was pleased with his first quarter GPA and plans to be get more in-depth with lessons in class and speak with more teachers to keep excelling. “My first quarter GPA was good; I finished with a 3.9. To improve and maybe get a 4.0 this quarter, I think something I can do is taking time to talk to teachers so I truly understand everything going on. I say this because I had all As with two A-’s. To bring the A-‘s up to As, having a better understanding of the class and lesson will definitely help.”
Braylon Faison, a sophomore on the JV football team, was satisfied with his first quarter GPA but wants to improve on turning in work on time in the second quarter. “I think that my GPA was solid but I know that there are things I can improve on like handing in work on time, but I like how for the most part on the work that I did do on time or turned in I had good grades on the assignments.”
Connor Matthews, a junior on the varsity tennis team at Bowie High School, felt great about his first quarter GPA. He plans to finish strong towards the end of the second quarter instead of being lazy. “First quarter was great for me, I ended up with a 3.7. I feel like I could have tried harder in the classes that I got B’s in and could have got my low A’s up to boost my GPA. I can improve by trying harder and doing better towards the end of the quarter.”
Timi Fashina, a freshman at DuVal High School, will work on his procrastination skills, talk more effectively with teachers, and become more consistent with turning in work in the second quarter. “In Quarter 1 I obtained a 3.5625 GPA on my report card,” Timi said. ” In the classes in which I earned an A, I was an active participant and got in all work on time. The classes in which I was unable to earn an A, [it] was because of my lack of consistency throughout the quarter. On my progress report, most of these grades were fairly high and close to becoming an A, but due to procrastination these grades were put at a stand-still and, with no surprise, did not rise. For the upcoming quarter I am setting my eyes on a 4.0 and plan to put in the work in order to earn this GPA. I plan to communicate more effectively with my teachers and do the work given to the best of my ability.”
Mr. April, who teaches religion to sophomores and juniors, thinks students need to try harder and stop taking this so lightly. “I feel like you guys took it way too easy and it’s time to put on your big boy pants, training wheels off,” he said. “Sophomores, it’s time to grow up, you guys still act like freshmen. Seniors, it’s not June 7th yet so don’t act like it.”
Ms. Barreto, who teaches Spanish to freshmen, sophomores, and seniors is proud of her students and thinks they did amazing. “My students did great, and if they didn’t I am challenging them to know they can do great this upcoming quarter. I offer a lot of support for them to do that.”
The common goal from everyone is to do better. Students are adjusted from summer and ready to learn. It is always important to know that if you started slow it is not too late to get going. Don’t give up.