I’ve been hearing that schools are trying to ban phones and I get why because some students can’t stay off their cell phones and stay on task in school.
Despite this, I personally think this is a bad idea. What if an emergency happens and you can’t call anyone because you don’t have your phone? I feel like schools should enforce the rules better, instead. They should tell the class if I see a phone out I’m going to take it and this is your only warning. Some kids don’t take teachers seriously because they don’t actually enforce the “no phones” rule.
That said, I do understand why they might ban cell phones. Some students don’t do work at all in class; they are texting their friends in class instead. I believe students don’t even need their phones that much in class in the first place. It seems to me like technology is in kids’ lives too much now. Being on your phone too much could also cause mental issues which could hinder your ability to do some things in the future.