Fall and winter uniforms are now in effect as of Monday, October 21.
The uniforms require students to now wear a button-down shirt, a tie, and a DeMatha blazer. Students who do not wear the uniform can see if there are extra uniforms available in the attendance office but will be issued one demerit.
The warm weather has sparked a lot of conversation among students. Many students are feeling frustrated as they adjust to the new attire. Some have started to not wear the blazers due to the heat outside and inside of the school.
Even though we are in fall and winter uniforms, the weather the last few days has been hot, even reaching into the 80s. Students have had mixed feelings about the uniforms so far. Sophomore Justin Parker says, “The uniforms are okay, and I like wearing the long-sleeve blazer.” However, another sophomore, Jayden Dargbeh, expressed a different view. “The uniforms are too hot, especially in this weather,” he said. “I wish we could go back to wearing the spring uniforms.”
Even though classrooms may be hot, students are allowed to take off their blazers while inside a classroom. However, if they want to leave the classroom for water, to go to the bathroom, or for another reason, they must put back on their blazer before leaving the classroom or they could be given a demerit.
The fall and winter uniforms are a transition for all students, which also helps starting the beginning of the new quarter. Even though the weather may be hot now, later in the year it will start to get colder and students will be thankful for their blazers. A returning student from last year, sophomore Camden Fisher said, “Even though I had a blazer, sometimes I was still a little cold; but I’m thankful I at least had my blazer to not be even colder.”