The freshman football Stags ended their season with a 3-4 record.
The loss that draws the most attention from this year’s schedule was the team’s 0-56 loss to Friendship Collegiate, a team they lost to by just 9 points last year. “That team was crazy good,” Jabasei Sloan said.
Despite the losing record, Enoch Ocansey had mostly good things to say about the team and how they played this season. “I feel like we worked as a team toward the end of the season but we should’ve had that same mentality for the start.” Enoch said he feels like he did his part pretty well but also said there are some things to work on.
Najee Ngandu also had mainly positive things to say about the team. He said a big lesson he learned from the season was consistency. He also said he feels like he has improved from the start of the season.
There will be a lot of now-former freshman football players to look out for on next fall’s JV team.