SGA and Science Scholars install high tech water fountains around school
November 8, 2018
The SGA is working in collaboration with Mr. Reeves and the Science Scholars to implement eight to ten new water fountains throughout the school, including two of them in the cafeteria. However, they will not be average water fountains. Instead, they will be equipped with filters and spouts that are made for refilling water bottles.
When asked about how this project will be funded, SGA Treasurer Jake Kane said “Mr. Reeves was able to get a few grants from the government. We are also going to raise money through a tag day that will sell water bottles for three or four dollars. People could then use the bottles to fill in the fountains.”
There have been some concerns about putting these types of water fountains in the cafeteria, with some people concerned that they will undermine sales from the vending machines. As of September 13th, there has been one fountain installed in the cafeteria that has a faucet and a spout for people to put their bottles under. It would make sense that the water fountain in the cafeteria would not affect sales in the vending machines, since students rarely buy water when there are other options around that students rather buy.