Iran erupts in protest over women’s rights

October 26, 2022
Over the past 40 years Iranian citizens have lived under the oppressive theocracy known as the Islamic republic. This regime operates under the “supreme leader” Ali khamenei. This theocracy has become basically a monarchy under the rule of supreme leaders and the vibrant and rich faith of the people has become their violent oppressor. The regime of Iran is nothing short of sexist, and oppressive. The women of Iran have no right to expression and bodily sovereignty, the women of Iran are forced to wear hijabs and completely cover themselves outside of their homes, and the greater people of Iran have no freedom of press or freedom of speech. The Iranian constitution states these rights but the Islamic republic has imprisoned, tortured, and killed its citizens for speaking out against the regime. Many citizens have taken to social media to speak out about the crimes committed by the regime, and many of these people have gone missing or been imprisoned. The social media outcry has led to internet blackouts in many regions of the country, the Iranian government is cutting off access to the rest of the world through the internet in an attempt to hide their human rights violations and horrible crimes from the rest of the world.
Right now as you read this article the people of Iran are engaged in a fight for their rights, and their lives. They have taken to the streets in protest after an Iranian woman named Mahsa Amini was taken prisoner and killed by the Iranian morality police for not properly wearing her hijab. Her death has sparked nationwide protests, calls for reform and even ousting the Islamic republic’s rule. Many women are publicly burning their hijabs, walking the streets with their hair in full view, waiving their hijabs in their hands, showing their disobedience to the regime. These brave protesters are risking their lives by simply showing their hair. If that does not scare you for not only their safety but for the future of women’s rights then I compel you, take a deeper look at not only the situation but yourself.
Women’s rights have been under attack across the world and the Middle East has been commonly ranked the worst region for women to live, the most dangerous area for women, and the region with some of the lowest rates of female education. The fact that these atrocities are being committed there means that they can be committed anywhere. As Dr Martin Luther king said; “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”