Does competition help or hurt students?

Lawrence Ukenye, Editor

DeMatha students who participate in academics, athletics, and the arts are constantly competing. Whether it’s competing for a spot on the team or a spot in the band, students are always trying to be better than the next person. It’s always interesting to see whether competition can be a good or bad thing when students are participating in things that people take a lot of pride in.

In the athletic world, most students compete for whether they get on a team or for playing time. The idea of people competing while on the same team may confuse some, considering that those on a team are competing for the ultimate goal of winning. But egos may get in the way of good team chemistry in some situations. Good team chemistry as a whole can prevent egos from getting in the way of the overall team goal.

In the music department, competition is always present, but in a way different way. Band members often compete for different spots and they often can get a little carried away with their music performances. “It’s like we sometimes get mad at each other for doing something better than us or not doing it the way we’d like it to be done,” said sophomore trumpet playe Jason Groves. He  added that the competition they have is similar to that of players on a team. “We usually want to be better than each other but can’t get away from our actual goal.”

During football season competition exists in a different manner. When it comes to roster spots and playing time, players can sometimes let their egos get in the way of achieving actual team goals. Junior Varsity player Travis Anderson, said “We don’t usually get competitive until July. People sometimes get their feelings hurt and don’t like taking a back seat to anyone.” He offered a different perspective when it came to whether or not competition amongst teammates affected the overall goal of winning. “Of course it does. Guys on the team often let their emotions or their obsession with their stats dictate the way they play.”

Overall competition plays an interesting role in the everyday lives of DeMatha students. Sometimes the goal of a team can be put aside in order for one person to have the glory. There should be more focus on how groups can work together and be good teammates rather than only worrying about personal accolades.